Take young spirits, add challenge in a forest, and you have the best recipe for adventure. Follow us as we learn about the waddling skunk who uses special strategies to evade danger. Ask your child about...
*what skunks do to scare predators away?
*why Great Horned Owl is a main predator?
*how far can a skunk spray and what is that stinky liquid anyways?
Even though it feels like winter, nature schoolers know that critters are preparing for spring. Exploring birds in our area, their flight patterns, songs, and feeding habits, help to make us feel connected to our feathered friends. Using our beaks (nails) to open seeds gives a real appreciation for the hard work it takes to get a good meal!
Early settlers worked hard to build and then re-build the Harrington Grist Mill using hand tools and materials from the forest. Ask your child about how the mill works and what Miller Tim shared with us about what makes the mill so special. You might get some interesting answers to...
*What happened to the Mill about 100 years ago (burnt down).
*How does the mill make power to grind the grain (water power -turbine)
*Why would people write numbers and names on the walls at the mill (no calculators, keep records)
*What did you see on your tour of the mill?
We really love exploring books at the Harrington library. Birds were our focus, but there was so much more to learn about and share with our new friends.
Discovery is what nature school is all about. Check out what we noticed with our keen observer eyes.
Touching, tasting, measuring with our bodies, reading, and just watching, is how we learn outdoors!
Reflecting helps lock in new knowledge so we can share our wonder with others and make connections within the intricate web of life.
Thank you Harrington for sharing this very unique place for us to learn and grow:)