Fluttering along the trail, roosting near animals hiding in the grass, that's what our little butterflies did today! Young acorn's are close to the ground and might miss those high fliers, but they are skilled at finding small things in the grass. What did you find on our scavenging walk today?

Snack at our log circle with White Pines overhead is the perfect spot to read a new story, If I Were A Tree by Andrea Zimmerman. This story offers an inside peek at what trees might see, feel, smell, taste, and touch in their forest world. Can you sing Coyote's song about using our senses to explore (tune of head and shoulders..)? We even made our own land art tree. What things did you bring to add to the trunk or branches?

Back at the farm we all got a chance to pat Jester, our big blond pony friend. He loves munching hay and getting some soft scratches on his nose. We gathered outside to use our paint crayons to create a beautiful butterfly picture. Hope yours is hanging up at home! Together we found natural materials to add to our sticky butterfly. What things did you add to this team creation?

Some brough home garden tomatoes, artwork, maybe a couple bug bites....but ALL brought home happy memories of a sunny Monday learning together on the farm.
