We travelled back in time from the present moment to life amongst the first people who lived on this land. We are thankful to community members who led us in this presentation at the historic Grist Mill in Harrington. We learned about the three sisters; corn, beans,and squash which were the main crops planted by many indigenous peoples in this area. Artifacts found in local fields like grinding tools, fishing net weights, hammer heads, axes, and even a stone ball for game play were passed hand to hand. You could feel the history here, and almost imagine these ancient pieces being fashioned by strong hands for skilled use to survive in this once vast wilderness. Ask your child what may have been shared by Indigenous people and the first Europeans. Why did people settle here, how did it look differently from today?
We got a chance to try tools for grinding corn. What different ways did we do this task? Which way was easier and why? What was made out of the ground corn? Hope you enjoy using your cornmeal to make a tasty treat!
Birds were a topic with Dragonfly this morning. What birds did we chat about and why might some need to leave for warmer places while others stay here? Do you remember the bird cards you had. Where did your birds liked to live? How about taking your family on a seed walk to look for what those seed loving birds might find to eat nearby your house.
Library is always awesome and once book shopping was done Mrs. Eastman shared a story about a sandpiper migrating south. This little bird flew past many places very different from our home community. Do you remember the children who found her feathers and what was happening where they lived? We are grateful to Mrs. Eastman who prepared booklets about the three sisters for us to enjoy at home. Some got into hands before leaving, those we missed will get them next week. We also took advantage of the great acoustics in the hall to sing some of our favourite tunes; Mother Earth, Rocks and Trees, Talk About Love and a new one, Right Beside. Ask for a sing along at home and you will love what you hear:).
Today our trees took on their own personalities with a mystery face crafted with clay. We have looked closely at our tree friends and now move to a deeper appreciation of their experience season by season, year by year as decades pass. We explored what they might feel standing silently in this forest, and then tried to express the characteristics that we imagine our TFF (Tree Friend Forever) to have using 'juicy' words to describe these qualities.
Our trees may be silent, but they are busy! Our book today, 'Be A Tree' shows the inside tree story with the complex networks underground where messages are sent. It's like a neighbourhood of roots winding through the root highways and back alleys of subterranean Harrington. Ask your child how we sent our own message through our root fingers and see if they can try this aournd your kitchen table. It’s an impressive part of the hidden life of trees!
Our kids rock the confidence to get up and share their tree story in front of their friends. Fielding questions and accepting compliments builds a foundtion of confidence and skills in oral communcation. It was thrilling to see the creativity and hear the unique qualities these young children already see in trees.
We are so lucky to have Tamarack (Tammy Chapman), an expert potter from St Marys, who guided small hands through this cool and squishy sensory chapter of our day. Take a look at the spirit!
Oh the sun after several rainy days. We soaked it up on faces, backs, and especially bums sitting in cool, dry ground. Going after that big catch in the pond, making bark boats with colourful leaf sails, and challenging balance on the perfect limb overhang, were all part of wander at Cedar Hideaway.
A final caretaker act was planting a very young white pine in a place that was just right. See if your child can tell you what we considered when choosing a spot. Can they repeat our special wish for this new beginning life. Thank you to Hummingbirds family for sending us this beauty!
The day would not be complete without a leaf shower before setting sail for home.
May the nature spirt make the sun rise in your heart on this beautiful weekend Forest Friends:)