With our theme discovered through a hidden message came the first of many revelations to happen at the farm today. “Shouldn’t Earth Day be everyday?” chirps Chickadee, our young nature school veteran. “Let’s make that the title of the blog”. So here it is, our belief that everyday we should celebrate the earth through gentle footsteps, helpful hands, and caring hearts to find our roots in wild places. Our barefoot hand stamp reminds us to stay in touch with the Earth, finding ways to be a caretaker.
Trees and plants give us the element vital to all living beings. What is this element (oxygen)? A complex scientific process called ‘Photosynthesis’ is a critical piece. Ask your child what 2 gases are involved; focus on their breath to get this vocabulary. What else do trees need to make oxygen and food? (sunlight). We will add this to our journal next week.

We have a really BIG group of different tree species at the farm. Let’s start with our 11 tree friends. Knowing them by name and watching them each week gives us important information that will make us pay attention to identifying features in all living things. Keep the conversation going at home to bring your child’s tree friend into the family fold. This is all leading somewhere very important!

Who are the other cool trees around the property near the farmhouse? Let’s keep an eye on them as very quickly they will be changing. What do we expect might be happening soon?

Hanging out at nature school is called ‘wander time’. It may include any of these activities and lots of challenge, chatter, and good choices for assessing risk.. Check in with your child about their wander time today at Pine Haven and in the Backwoods.

The wider range in ages now in the Chickadees leaves so much room for leadership from our older children and building confidence and trust in our smaller ones. We love having siblings come together and different background knowledge which enriches our learning experiences together.

It was busy in the hayloft today with a larger group and more options for forts, trying pullies/ropes and balancing acts. There are a couple things we don’t do in the hayloft (throw hay/straw, jump from the high bales of straw). Talking about the parameters with your children will help them retain this for our next day. Thanks so much for chatting!
Our caretaker deed on this Earth Day was planting a tree. What species was this young one, and where did we decide was the best habitat for it? What smelly water was good for giving this tree a growth boost? (manure tea)

Ask to see your child’s sketch and encourage further sketches of trees right now as they unfurl new leaves or send out flowering catkins. This evolutionary change will happen very quickly, so a daily walk in your community can add so much right now to their nature literacy bank!

Skill testing questions...
What is this part of the tree called?

What was this experiment supposed to show?

The Lorax tells the story of human impact on trees. Daisy started reading this story during snack and would love for you to finish it at home. A great Earth Day read for families!

We are so thankful to have Daisy back with us and a new volunteer teacher visiting today, Grizzly. Nature school brings in many who want to learn along with us. Big Raccoon visited to capture some beautiful afternoon pictures. We are grateful to this joyful team!

Everyone loved sharing their favourite part of the day using Froggie as a prop. What was yours?

Happy trails until next week Forest Friends:)
