Drama, drama, drama! We have some real characters on our team and they know how to strut their stuff! Acting is one of our fun ways to show off knowledge creatively. Keep reading to see other places that were abuzz with activity today.

How are you feeling today? If your fingers were flower petals, show how you feel by showing fingers. Show more fingers for feeling great. Some of Forest Friends didn't show any petals and they said they were waiting to bloom. Our Forest Friends are unique and we can share in that together.
Flowers are also unique. They can have different coloured petals, shapes and sizes. Petals are just one part of the flower which help attract pollinators to it. Does your child remember some of the parts of a flower?Â

The seeds are formed in the pistil of the flower. These parts are usually very small and you might have to look at them with a microscope or magnifying glass.

If the life cycle of a flower starts with a seed, ask your child what changes happen to the seed?
In order to produce more seeds, flowers must be pollinated. Does your child know the name of one kind of pollinator? In our pollinator game today, we had flowers (kids) with pollen (balls) stuck to their anthers (hands). The pollinators (other kids) were busy trying to collect and move as much pollen as they could without be tagged by a predator. Can your child name some pollinators and what might eat them? Which role(s) did your child play in this fast paced game?

Library was a hive of activity. Reading buddies have grown into cozy up time with a friend. Check backpacks for a 'What's the buzz' activity booklet from Grey Squirrel. Thanks GS!!!
Raven brought a cool activity with her to the saplings. She introduced a variety of pollinators that all had special features. If you listened closely you'll recall some details about how bats, hummingbirds, and even ants spread pollen to ensure there will be a next generation. The follow up was a challenge to create a completely unique pollinator; define its life cycle, habits and ways it gets around to flowers. Ask for a full description of the pollinator your child created. They even will have a roleplay for you, which was delivered to the whole group. Wow, what awesome talent was on display today!
Our very own Heron took the seedlings on a pollination flight, recreating the way pollen travels from flower to flower. Journals were filled with colourful flowers and pollinators.

Funny Moments & Mad Dashes
Happiness is closing with new ideas and lots of expressions that "EVERYTHING" was the best part of our day. Enjoy the long weekend. and keep the buzz going until next week Forest Friends:).
