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It’s like Christmas, you can’t wait until it arrives because you know it will be AWESOME! And, we got LOTS of the white stuff here. In some places at the farm we have a meter of snow piled up. What did you like doing best in the snow today?

Birds are flying from feeder to feeder snatching their favourite seed. You might remember some of the kinds of seeds in wild bird mix. Can you talk about the 10 birds that were hung in the trees? Tell your family about the one with the black hoodie, upside down climber, and small owl with fluffy ears. Start to watch and identify them around your neighbourhood or farm property. Coyote found a dead Mourning Dove by the garage door. I wonder what happened? How many of you are using the feeder you made to help birds get through winter?

It's the season of giving and we learned that all the CNS school groups are making part of a gift for our Nature Mentors. Next week we get to pack it all up for the 14 people who make CNS so special. Our group created dogwood wreaths. Can you describe what natural materials you collected and how you put it all together. Remember: only take small amounts from places where lots of that plant or tree grows. Coyote almost fell in the creek cutting Dogwood branches, so be CAREFUL:)

Do you think you can make one on your next forest walk as a decoration for your home.

People can be grateful for all kinds of things - it doesn’t have to cost a cent or be anything out of the ordinary. We all agreed that we were very grateful to be able to enjoy the warmth of a fire as we ate our lunch today. We were also grateful for Eagle and Blue Jay because they helped us get our hands washed before we ate. We loved the warm water - thanks, Coyote! Many of the children said how much they loved that we had so much snow. Some even mentioned the words ‘snow day’ as something they were grateful for earlier this week! Snail said she hopes we never have a snow day from Nature School!

Tamarack, a long-time volunteer with our school, came out earlier in the week to pack down the snow for us. How did she do it? With her snowshoes!!! Even so, we were amazed at how deep the snow was! The forest was a winter wonderland. What did you notice and how did it make you feel?

We hiked to the site of the new winter shelter we’re building. It took a group of 4 strong kids to uncover the tree trunks we had left beside the trail. Raccoon, and Chickadee also found a few dead trees that were falling down and added them to our frame. Next week, we hope to get back into our work groups to finish. What did we put up to spy on any critter visitors?

Gratitude was still on our minds as we started to work on a special project to thank the many volunteers who give their time to help at nature school. Can you name some of these people and how they help us? We did our very best work so they would know we appreciate them.

We just had to take some time in our favourite place.

As we gather for closing circle we can just feel the happiness and gratitude. It’s not because the day has come to an end! In fact, most of us can’t even believe that the day went by that fast. This was our final day before the Christmas break. What would you love to do on our last day together in 2024? We can't wait for it all to unfold! See you soon Forest Friends:)


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