When most people wander through a meadow they will not notice the hidden power of plant medicine. We now know we have a plant pharmacy here at the farm that can cure some people and animal sickness. Can you recall a few plant names and what they may cure. You found one of these plant snips hidden in your snack. What did it taste like? I wonder if you could find it at the farm.
We entered the Longhouse, each of us representing a clan of the Haudenosaunee people. What clan were you? The legend started with an Old Man who was hungry and tired. Tell your family what happened when he knocked on the longhouse door of each clan. Finally he struggled towards the Bear Clan doorway. What did Bear Clan Mother do? For her kindness the Old Man teaches her about the medicine of many plants throughout the forest. How did the legend end? Who did the Old Man show himself to be? (The Creator). Why do you think he gave Bear Clan Mother the gift of knowledge about plant medicine.

Take a walk this week and see if you can find some healing plants. Should you eat any plants before checking that it is safe? NO! Challenge: Research one plant to discover how to make it into medicine. Bring the medicine to nature school next week. You can make a paste, lotion, tea or even a poultice.Â

There is lots to do around this beautiful property. Share your fun experiences at home. Why did we carve into the squash...it wasn't for Halloween! Who might visit?
After wander time we listened to 'Sweetgrass', a story about gathering, cleaning and using sweet grass. There were other special plants mentioned in the book used by Indigenous people for special ceremonies such as cedar, sage and ceremonial tobacco. After passing around a little medicine pouch brought by Cardinal we lit some sweetgrass and had a little smudging ceremony, opening our hearts and minds to all things in nature that we are thankful for. Have you been part of a smudging ceremony before? What did you like about it? The wind blew strongly during our ceremony and it was so nice to see everyone gathering tightly in a huddled circle so the sweetgrass would light! Caring friends are definitely something to be thankful for!

Sometimes nature can be tasty or good for us, but sometimes it can be poisonous! Did you like playing Poison Frog? Did you like being the detective or the poison frog who got to stick his tongue out in order to attack? Blue Racer was able to attack everyone at lightning speed and was so sneaky the detective couldn’t catch him in time!Â
The power of plants continued by turning them into potions that would create a SUPERPOWER! What superpower did you want to give through your mixture of plants. Talk about what you used and how you prepared it, sort of like a potion recipe. Did you add potion water or essential oils? Your nature notebook was the perfect place to capture your potion ingredients or add your spell. These strong potions were left at the farm near tree friends to be discovered again next visit.Â

Squirrel said he really misses Beaver...and we all do! Just so you know her special touch was ALL OVER the planning for our day. The CNS team has pulled together to make sure the Chickadees get to make her dreams a reality. Special thanks to Kathie (Cardinal) and Tammy (Tamarack) for being helping hands and Raccoon for getting to all the little needs after hopping out from behind the lens. We ALL love Daisy, who is two steps ahead yet happily present in the moment. What a great group of mentors!

Now cast some spells using positive potions this week Forest Friends. Happy Halloween Eve!
