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These kids were pumped today!!! It’s that time of year and Halloween is near, so let’s head out on a hunt with a united front. We were very united, reading clues in turns, allowing everyone to find a baby pumpkin and a clue, and staying in together in our pack while heading along following the trail to the next destination. Ask your child to help you read these clues and ask where they led us.

Come see my stump near a gate you like to jump. (Manitoba Maple)

A place to rest on your way is best. (bench)

From up high I see the swans go by. (Swan Lookout)

Smells so sweet where the trail ends meet. (Cedar at end of trail)

A place to rest in a tipi nest. (structure)

Pound and squish to make a tasty paste. (turnip field)

Friend to a coon, who is out with the moon. (Raccoon's tree friend)

Lying in decay, you can jump and play. (big log)

In a circle sit on a seat that fits. (log circle)

Planted by others, close to grandmother. (Maple sapling)

Oldest and tall, I will shelter you all. (Grandmother Maple)

Building reading and interpretive skills is the hidden part of scavenger hunts that teachers love! It was such fun to arrive at Grandmother Maple where we tucked into our snacks with the relish of successful hunters. The book “Pumpkin Light” never grows old, a story with mystery, imagination and lots of pumpkin carving. This was a perfect set up to our team carving event, where siblings and friend pairs created a collaborative face. Using tools safely is a learning curve, and this group really enjoyed working carefully with the carving knives to make the perfect jack-o-lantern. Ask them about this experience, were they pleased with their final result?

Library was filled with stories of mystery today. Thanks to Mrs. Eastman who kept us guessing until the very end. What does your child remember about these stories.

Of course we had to fit in learning about the pumpkin life cycle and create a 'step by step' drawing of a pumpkin. Ask to see this in their journal and have them talk through the phases as they grow.

Our own special mini-pumpkin came to us by random draw. Each child was to look closely at its special features; bend in the stalk, scars, number of ribs and belly button. See if they can describe their pumpkin and ask if they were able to pick it out of the pumpkin patch.

Monk’s lunch, was our own way to focus on eating and encourage creative non-verbal communication. Find out what this was all about.

Mammoth arrived to a big cheer, he's our favourite engineer! We searched for branches to build a tipi shaped structure. Funny how so many branches ended up right where we needed to find them Mammoth???

Team construction projects can be tricky, however, our groups hummed along happily tying knots, trimming branches, setting up campfires, and making a food cache high away from hungry predators. Luckily we made it into our shelters before the hungry wolf came stalking!!

The final tour of each structure allowed the children's stories of their experience and ideas to flow. Special touches including drying racks for moss to eat later, decorations, and a flag, came from these amazing mini-engineers.

We so appreciate the helping hands today. These children always say 'yes' when a pack needs to be cared or wagon pulled along. They have captured this wonderful attitude from great parent models, and we really notice the spirit of comradery and caring shine through.

Thank you to Dragonfly for her carving skills and energy. We love having Tamarack who finds quiet moments to really get to know the kids and LISTEN. Raccoon (Gord), our absolute favourite professional photographer, visited this afternoon and was able to capture the high level energy perfectly, including our final leaf storm. Michael (Mammoth), the Chair of Harrington and Area Community Association who CNS partners with, is always excited to join us and share his 'kid-level' energy. Such an amazing day at nature school! Happy trails:)


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