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Snow is a 3 letter word.....JOY!!!

Updated: Nov 18, 2022

Seasonal change opens a new window on the world for children learning at nature school. The Heron’s were ready to roll for this big snowy day. Their faces tell the story of happiness, perseverance, challenge, and success on our first day of wintry weather in beautiful Harrington.

Let’s follow the trail through our day, so you can share in the stories and the bragging of some super confident youngsters.

Snow art gets us warmed up using our snowplow feet to make LARGE creations. Ask what the inside story is on this signature piece.

First up, we figured out some track mysteries. What critters are out there, were are they heading and who might be following them? Snow is the perfect carpet for us to notice the busy lives that happen when the forest hush falls. Ask your child about animals who leave tracks in our forest areas, how we measured them, and where they might have been heading. Talk about the many small ‘signs’ besides tracks that are part of this forest mystery (chewed bark, holes, seed husks…). Opening a child’s lens connects them to a whole world of learning through careful observation. Enjoy your snow tracking this weekend!

Of course our librarian, Kathy Eastman had prepared for our interest in tracks by having matching activities, a great story, and booklet to take home. Hope you can get out on the ‘Snow Scavenger Hunt’ she included and talk about some of the different prints in the handout. Book shopping is a crowd favourite, Enjoy your new library books at home. We are thankful as always Mrs. Eastman!

We know about the history of the local grist mill. Today, Mrs Miller (Betty) came to share how early farmers stenciled flour sacks. Ask your child why they needed these sacks with names on them? We are so happy to have these as they are perfect to keep our nature journals in. Bring them along each week for this purpose. Thanks so much to Betty for sewing these bags for this special craft.

Reflecting on new knowledge and recording it to look back on helps with retention. Your child would love to share their journal entry for today and maybe quiz you on what tracks you might know. At nature school we are working on mechanics of writing (pencil grip, letter formation), non-fiction text features (diagrams, text boxes, titles), and using scientific language to record information. This is research and will hopefully wet your child's curiousity for looking more deeply into other topics.

Everyone loves a hearty lunch followed by tobogganing. It gets the heart pumping, and offers some creative challenges in the form of speed bumps and teamwork.

Tamarack and I feel this day was simply stupendous! All were warm, comfortable and ‘in the game’ for a nature school experience that would make classroom teachers jealous. Loving this learning adventure! Happy trails until next week Forest Friends:)


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