Combine tracking, cardinal directions, and mapping, with a long hike and you get a pretty sweet treasure hunt. The 'hunter games' were on as we followed clues to unearth a sequence of letters which spelled out the location of hidden treasure. We needed to get prepared by learning about the cardinal and intercardinal directions. Have your child show you their compass rose and tell you more.
Test your child's knowledge...what were all the animal tracks that led to our scavenger hunt letters?
Mapping encompasses so many skills; directional understanding, recognizing features of landscapes, memory, visualization, and stamina. Talk about our choice of symbols for the map, how they hold meaning for identification, and what a legend or key tells us. Ask your child to orient the map using what they know about direction. Take time at home to finish the work started at the farm, add some colour to the map to make it appealing. (in case you need the map, see the photo here)
Stoneridge Farm certainly holds some mysterious spaces with unique features. Ask your child to recall these names and match them with actions which help lock these into our brains. (Helpful hints: the slanted hill, where deer drink, weird shaped tree) Ask about the some of the fun names we gave to the landscape along Crayfish Creek. Here are some pictures to jog their memory.
A working lunch! See if your child recalls some of the funny names we tried to finally figure out the location of the treasure.
Treasure hunting in a hayloft is like finding a needle in a haystack. It took some hot/cold directions to discover this special box between some hay bales. Gold coins and butterflies seemed a fitting treat. Of course a leap in the hay was another treat after a job well done!
Being with our nature school friends is so much fun. We are now connected through our new experiences. See if your child can tell you what these images might be. There is a story behind each of them. Dig deep and move beyond the name, what do they know about this, does it connect to something else, or how do they feel about it.
Animals need tending on the farm and your child is learning how we make sure they are well cared for. During farm chore time the mood is purposeful and collaborative. We all have so much to do and helping each other is the only way to get the job done. All kinds of motor skills are part of this routine; lifting, balancing, cutting, twisting, scooping, pushing, and lots of elbow grease. Talk about the chores assigned today and ones they are looking forward to. Why are chores important at home and on a farm?
There is SO much experiencing to unpack from these BIG days. Thanks for doing this very important work helping to consolidate and prepare your child for upcoming nature school study. Ask to take a walk through their journal, they did a LOT of hard work recording their mapping journey.
Thank you so much to Erin (Hawk) for supporting all the children and to Gord (Raccoon) for making this impressive visual record for families. Can't wait to see you on our final fall session day next week Forest Friends.