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Untamed Spirit

The wind captured our energy and blew us into many adventures today. At morning sharing we were 'excited' 'happy', 'peaceful', and ready to learn. We now carry our own packs while heading back to Mystery Forest, jumping for a chance to a visit with our tree friends. And what a surprise to find that Grandmother Maple was sporting a new face and had a story of her own history to share.

Ask your child about Grandmother Maples story and their ideas about the character of their own tree friend. Bringing together clay, loose parts, and big imaginations left us with a forest of friendly faces.

It's often the little challenges that tickle our sense of fun such as; how many people can fit on a new stump, finding little places where critters might rest, making a web with string, or noticing tiny things growing each week. Our time together brings us closer to our true natures and opens the treasure chest of our spirit.


We are so alive outside and there is much to look for, connections to make, shapes, textures, smells, and feelings to explore. Start a chat with some of these queries...

*tell me about a plant that stinks?

*what beautiful yellow flowering plants love to keep their feet wet?

*can you tell the names of trees by their shapes and number of their needles?

*what did you think about or notice at sit spot today?

We were so lucky to have expert organic gardener Ann Slater visit with us and help get a start in the Harrington Community Garden. She inspired us to clean up the raised bed and brought along some Kohlrabi. and turnips for us to plant. Adding edible flowers like pansy and viola added colour and made it all beautiful. We are pretty excited to see what the 4H Club and other residents add. We'll visit next week to take a peek, water, and weed:)

All things gardening has to include a fun story from our favourite librarian (Kathy Eastman). We now know how far seeds travel and what they need to make a successful bid to germinate!

We were happy to share the love we feel for our moms by crafting a special message and potting a happy flower to show how much we care:)

We were so grateful to have Falcon miss a day of school to help us out. We loved her sense of fun and gentle way of sharing! See you next week Forest Friends!

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May 10, 2022


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